Trade show staffing – these SMI staff-members are happy to be here.
Trade show staffing is one of the most important aspects of attending a trade show. Below are a couple of tips we have learned over the years, and which continue to apply today.
#1: The Complainer – Be prepared to handle a current or ex-client who has a bone to pick with your company. In fact, be prepared to turn that complaint into a gold star. We have learned that some of the best and most loyal clients are the ones that had a major issue that we resolved with flying colors. Take advantage of this seeming disadvantage.
#2: The Overworked Trade Show Booth Staff – Take breaks. Trade show days can be very long and if you’re standing all day or not eating, you won’t be performing at your optimal level – and that only means that you won’t be helping potential customers to the best of your ability.
#3: The Party Animal – We’ve all met this trade show attendee, the one who sees trade shows as a vacation. Don’t be that guy. Sure, you are probably in a new city, with lots of new things to see and do, but your number one motivation for being in that city is to represent your company. There is nothing worse than being on the trade show floor after a night of too much partying.
#4: The Robot – You are a representative of your company and should be telling your company’s story. Be interesting, be sincere. Smile warmly and mean it. If you find yourself getting tired and lackluster, take that break that we talked about in #2.
#5: The Clock-Watcher – Trade show days can be long, and at times the hours seem to creep by. Keep in mind that your company probably invested a large sum of money to attend the trade show, and though the hours may seem long and slow, they are actually quite limited. Take full advantage of the brief amount of time that you have at a trade show by always being present, alert, and available to customers. Checking your email or texting while in the booth sends the message – I’m bored and can’t wait for this to be over. Potential clients will flee from this negativity. Cell phone use should be limited to break time only.
Trade show staffing is a valuable investment. Successful trade show attendees pay attention to all the details, from staffing to technology to great design. ADM Two are experts at trade show booth design and fabrication, so give us a call at (813) 887-1960. One of our knowledgeable staff can assist you with your trade show needs. Also, check out some of our other articles to get more information on trade show booth layout.