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92Table top displays have always been the black sheep of the family of exhibits.  As table tops are most often taken to the smaller shows in a client’s mix of trade events, they are usually just thrown together.  In the past, you had few options.  Unfortunately, most of these options look only slightly better than your middle school science fair backdrop. With today’s technology and graphic capabilities, that does not have to be the case. The table top display has come a long way. There are a variety of solutions that can give an exhibitor a branded well-put-together look.

The Panel Backdrop – This backdrop wall is one of the earlier styles of displays with folding panels and fabric finish allowing you to velcro on graphics.  It is great if you want to change out your display imagery. These usually pack in a bag or hard case for shipping.  The downside is that the cases are larger and can cost more if shipping is needed.  The graphics are not as large as they are on most other styles of displays, limiting the branded feel of the display.

The Pop-Up Table Top – Consider this the baby brother to the full height pop-up with which we are most familiar.  These displays allow for fabric panels that have the ability to change out graphics.  You can also create a mural panel for a well-branded look.  The expandable frame allows the unit to pack much smaller in a hard case.

The Fabric Pop-up – Similar to the pop-up, this style of exhibit has fabric graphic panels attached to the expandable frame, offering great real estate for some dynamic graphics.  With fewer parts than a standard pop-up, it is lighter and takes less time to set-up.

The Banner Stand Pop-up – This is a cost effective way to have a table top. They are small and compact.  Often, your full height banner stand can be used partially extended.  You can be creative in designing graphics that will work both for the fully extended banner stand or the smaller table top height.

What’s New and Cool – Many companies are attending more regional shows that require smaller displays.  Due to the amount of shows a company may attend and the recent economic woes, many exhibitors have turned to the table top in an effort to reduce costs at these shows.  Exhibit manufacturers have responded with some new styles to enhance the look of these smaller displays.

The Twist – A new style banner stand/table top.  It is a fabric graphic that can easily be changed out and offers unique twists in the set-up.  It sets-up behind your table leaving you plenty of room for those branded promos or laptop demos. Couple that with a custom table skirt, and you have a cohesive look that will visually fill the eye – almost as if you have a full height display.

The Expression – A unique pop-up frame with fabric panels.  Lightweight and easy to change out graphics are perfect for customizing the graphics per your target audience.  These displays offer a unique, three-dimensional look.

The Tension Fabric Backdrop – This style offers a lightweight, easy to set-up display with a powerful punch of branded graphics.  A lightweight frame is assembled and then a taut fabric slips over it much like a pillowcase.  A table cover makes the perfect couple in this display solution.